Anubias barteri and Anubias gold are both aquarium plants with similar care requirements, but they have some differences in appearance and growth rate:
Anubias barteri has longer stems and more rounded leaves than Anubias gold. Anubias gold has light green to golden leaves, while Anubias barteri var. nana 'Golden' has bright yellow-green leaves.
Growth rate
Anubias barteri is a slow-growing plant, but it's one of the fastest-growing Anubias species. Anubias gold is a slower-growing variation of the Anubias barteri var "nana".
Anubias gold can thrive in a range of light conditions, from low to high. Anubias barteri var. nana 'Golden' prefers low to medium light.
Anubias barteri can be placed in the mid or background of an aquarium. Anubias barteri var. nana 'Golden' can be placed in the foreground or midground.
Anubias gold can be tied to driftwood or rocks, or planted in the substrate. The rhizome should not be buried in the substrate, as it will rot.
Anubias gold is prone to algae, so strong direct light should be avoided. A healthy population of shrimp, snails, or algae-eating fish can help keep algae under control.